G. Allen Fleece Library
Monday: 8:00 am - 12:00 am
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How to Use Interlibrary Loan

Fill Out the Interlibrary Loan Form:

  1. Select the Interlibrary loan link on the library homepage: https://ciu.libwizard.com/f/illoan.
  2. There are 3 options for Type of Request: Article, Book, and Other.

Requesting an Article:

  1. Select Article if you need to request a full text article from a journal, magazine or newspaper that the CIU library does not have available in full text.
  2. Fill out the Journal Title, Article Title, Author, Volume Number, Issue Number, Date Published, Page Numbers, and ISSN number (if known).
  3. Fill out your Name, CIU Status, CIU Email Address, and Phone Number.
  4. Add any Comments, Questions, or Special Instructions.
  5. Submit Request.
  6. You will receive the article by email. Often the article will come with a link and password to download it.

Requesting a Book:

  1. Select Book to request a book or chapter not currently owned by the library. (Books owned in Reference or in E-book are not able to be requested in print.)
  2. Fill out the Book Title, Book Author, Date Published, and ISBN number.
  3. Fill out your Name, CIU Status, CIU Email Address, and Phone Number.
  4. Select Location
    • Local (able to pick up item at the library) for a physical copy of the entire book
    • I only need a chapter or certain pages from the book (you must include the pages/chapter in the comments)
    • I would like the library to purchase this title as an ebook
  5. Add any Comments, Questions, or Special Instructions.
  6. Submit Request.
  7. You will receive an email telling you that your request has been received
  8. If you requested a chapter from a book or an ebook, you will receive a link to the item by email.
  9. If you requested a physical book, you will receive an email informing you to pick up your book, once your book has arrived.

Requesting Other:

Generally, your request should fall under either the article or book category. If it does not, you can select Other.

  1. When filling out the form, provide as much information as possible.
  2. Fill out your Name, CIU Status, CIU Email Address, and Phone Number.
  3. Add any Comments, Questions, or Special Instructions.
  4. Submit Request.
  5. You will receive an email telling you that your request has been received and an email when the item as arrived.

Interlibrary Loan (ILL) Frequently Asked Questions:

What is an ILL?

  • Interlibrary Loan is the practice of sharing resources between participating libraries across the United States.
  • Through ILL, the CIU community can obtain a resource not currently owned by the library.

Who can request an ILL?

  • All current CIU students, faculty and staff.
  • CIU Distance students may request articles be sent electronically. Books should be requested through your local public library.
  • While Alumni are welcome to use the CIU library and its resources, they are not able to use ILL.

Is there a cost to use ILL?

  • No. CIU does not charge its patrons to use ILL.

How do I request an ILL?

  • Complete the form found on the library homepage with all the required information.  

When will my ILL book/article arrive?

  • Books—Allow 7+ days for requested books.
  • Articles—Allow 24-72 hours for your requested articles.
  • The delivery time of requested items is completely dependent on the availability of the materials and the response time of the lending library. Some requests can take more than a week to process.

Can I request textbooks, DVD’s, rare books, etc?

  • Most libraries will not loan out these items through ILL, but occasionally they will provide the requested item.  You can submit the request, but be prepared to be declined.

Can I request a physical copy of a book if the library owns an e-book copy?

  • No, the library policy does not allow for borrowing another copy if we own it in e-book or in Reference.

How long can I keep my ILL book?

  • Loaning periods are set by the lending library. Generally you are allowed 4-8 weeks.
  • You are responsible for returning the ILL book on time, undamaged.
  • Any paperwork in the book when you received it must be returned with the book.

Can I renew my ILL book?

  • You may request a renewal. Please do so several days before the due date listed.
  • Renewals are subject to approval by the lending school. If they decline the renewal, you are still responsible to return the book by the original due date.