100 Questions & Answers About Triple-Negative Breast Cancer
"According to the American Cancer Society, 10-15% of all breast cancer patients are diagnosed with triple-negative breast cancer (TNBC). No one with TNBC needs to be alone in their fight against this fast-growing cancer. That's where this book and the information within can help. 100 Questions & Answers About Triple-Negative Breast Cancer offers authoritative and practical answers to the most common questions asked by patients and their loved ones."
RC280.Y373.Q478 2022

ACLS Study Guide
"Build the knowledge and skills you need to provide emergency cardiovasular care! ACLS Study Guide, 6th Edition provides a comprehensive, easy-to-understnd overview of advanced cardiovascular life support."
RC685.A257 2022
Advances in celiac disease : improving paediatric and adult care
"This book provides a practical overview of the treatment and management of celiac disease. It examines new data which can be merged with clinical aspects to provide a global perspective for the busy clinician."
RC862.A244.A383 2022
Advances in Health and Disease Volume 48
"This volume presents some of the latest advancements in the field of health and disease research."
RC48.D863.A383 2022
Advances in health and disease Volume 49
"This volume contains ten chapters, each of which describes a recent advancement in health and disease."
RC48.N683.A383 2022
Ageing and the crisis in health and social care : global and national perspectives
"This crucial analysis scrutinises provision for ageing populations on an individual, national and global level. Challenging current political and social policy approaches, this rigorous text discusses innovative solutions to contemporary challenges in a complex care system."
RA564.8.S592.A345 2021
AI for Disease Surveillance and Pandemic Intelligence
"This book aims to highlight the latest achievements in the use of artificial intelligence for digital disease surveillance, pandemic intelligence, as well as public and clinical health surveillance."
R859.7.S533.A346 2022
Alzheimer's disease decoded : the history, present, and future of Alzheimer's disease and dementia
"This book aims to present, educate and inform individuals about Alzheimer's disease in a comprehensive manner. Its scope ranges from the discovery of the disease, epidemiology and basic biological principles underlying it, to advanced stem cell therapies used in the treatment of Alzheimer's. It adopts a "global" perspective on Alzheimer's disease, and include epidemiological data and science from countries around the world."
RC523.S131.A494 2022
Alzheimer's disease : biology, biophysics and computational models
"Alzheimer's Disease: Biology, Biophysics and Computational Models helps the reader to understand AD from mechanistic and biochemical perspectives at intra- and inter-cellular levels. It focuses on biochemical pathways and modeling associated with AD. Some of the recent research on biophysics and computational models related to AD are explained using context-driven computational and mathematical modeling and essential biology is discussed to understand the modeling research."
RC523.K96.A494 2022
Alzheimer's disease : recent findings in pathophysiology, diagnostic and therapeutic modalities
"Alzheimer’s Disease: Recent Findings in Pathophysiology, Diagnostic and Therapeutic Modalities provides a comprehensive overview from aetiology and neurochemistry to diagnosis, evaluation and management of Alzheimer's disease, and latest therapeutic approaches. Intended to provide an introduction to all aspects of the disease and latest developments, this book is ideal for students, postgraduates and researchers in neurochemistry, neurological drug discovery and Alzheimer’s disease."
RC523.A478..A494 2022
Alzheimer disease sourcebook
"Alzheimer Disease Sourcebook, 6th Edition, provides updated information about causes, symptoms, and stages of AD and other forms of dementia. It discusses the structure of the brain, how it changes with age, and the cognitive decline and degeneration that occur in dementia. Facts about testing, symptoms, clinical trials, and recent research efforts are also included, along with information about legal, financial, and medical planning and coping strategies for caregivers."
RC523.2.H394.A494 2022
Barefoot global health diplomacy : field experiences in international relations, security, and epidemics
"Barefoot Global Health Diplomacy: Field Experiences in International Relations, Security, and Public Health Epidemics fills real-world gaps in training for those destined to work on health and health systems in challenging, resource-deprived environments."
RA441.K483.B374 2021
A Bioethicist's Dictionary
"With a big tent understanding of bioethics, this dictionary provides definitions of 755 important terms drawn from a wide variety of contexts: medicine, nursing, behavioral health, forensic science, research ethics, public safety, social work, and epidemiology, on the one hand; bioethics, ethics, law, history, philosophy, and theology, on the other. Bioethical approaches (such as Principlism) and ethical categories (Fallibilism) are given their due, as are the major theoretical orientations (Feminist Bioethics)."
QH332.E36.B564 2022
Bioethics for nurses : a Christian moral vision
"Bioethics for Nurses, the first book of its kind, is for nurses and nurses in training who still believe in treating the whole person—not just their medical condition. It is for those committed to living out the love of Jesus Christ through the warm, relational care they provide for all hurting and vulnerable people—including those in underserved populations—each of whom has the dignity of a human being made in the image of God. It is also for those who rightly see themselves as crucial members of medical teams alongside doctors (and sometimes without doctors present at all), empowered to exercise professional judgment while protecting their consciences."
RT85.2.M153.B564 2022
Bioimage data analysis workflows
"This Open Access textbook provides students and researchers in the life sciences with essential practical information on how to quantitatively analyze data images. It refrains from focusing on theory, and instead uses practical examples and step-by step protocols to familiarize readers with the most commonly used image processing and analysis platforms such as ImageJ, MatLab and Python. Besides gaining knowhow on algorithm usage, readers will learn how to create an analysis pipeline by scripting language; these skills are important in order to document reproducible image analysis workflows."
QH207.M587.B565 2020
Biology made easy : an illustrated study guide for students to easily learn cellular & molecular biology
"This book includes over 300 illustrations to help you visualize what is necessary to understand biology at its core. Each chapter goes into depth on key topics to further your understanding of Cellular and Molecular Biology."
QH315.N877.B565 2021
Biomedical product development : bench to bedside
"This textbook covers all the steps in manufacturing a biomedical product from bench to bedside. It specifically focuses on quality assurance and management and explains the different good practice principles in the various phases of product development as well as how to fulfill them: Good laboratory practice, good manufacturing practice and good clinical practice."
R856.A756.B566 2020
Birthing the West: Mothers and Midwives in the Rockies and Plains
"Birthing the West unearths the woman-centric practice of childbirth across Montana, the Dakotas, and Wyoming, a region known as a death zone for pregnant women and their infants. As public health entities struggled to establish authority over its isolated inhabitants, they collaborated with physicians, eroding the power and control of mothers and midwives. The transition from home to hospital and from midwife to doctor created a dramatic shift in the intimately personal act of birth."
RG652.H646.B578 2022
The Book of Genes and Genomes
"The Book of Genes & Genomes presents a concise overview of the advances in genetics and genomics and provide the unfamiliar reader with a succinct description of many of the applications and implications of this field. Given the substantial investment in genetics and genomics over the past several decades and the many recent discoveries and developments, this book will help the reader begin to understand the importance of genetics and genomics to us all."
QH438.4.H434.G464 2022
Brown and Mulholland’s Drug Calculations: Ratio and Proportion Problems for Clinical Practice
"Trust this market-leading ratio and proportion text that’s known for its realistic practice problems and unique "proof" step in the answer key that allows you to double-check your answers to avoid medication errors. This edition continues to promote critical thinking, clinical judgment, and patient safety with respect to accurate drug dosages. Helpful worksheets, assessment tests, and Clinical Alerts call attention to situations in actual practice that have resulted in drug errors ― giving you extensive hands-on practice for the Next Generation NCLEX® and beyond."
RS57.T839.B769 2022
Study Guide for Brunner & Suddarth's Textbook of Medical-Surgical Nursing
"Thoroughly revised to reflect the content presented in Brunner & Suddarth’s Textbook of Medical-Surgical Nursing, 15th Edition, this updated Study Guide reinforces essential concepts and challenges students to practice applying what they’ve learned. Engaging review questions, case-based questions, and NCLEX®-style questions — all with answers in the back of the book — assess students’ understanding of textbook material and highlight areas of weakness for further study."
RT41.H663.B786 2022
Brunner & Suddarth's Textbook of Medical-Surgical Nursing
"Brunner & Suddarth’s Textbook of Medical-Surgical Nursing, 15th Edition delivers the most comprehensive resource available for nursing students in the medical-surgical course. This bestselling text is designed for the way students like to learn, combining a highly readable approach with engaging case studies and learning tools to help students explore essential patient care practices in real-world terms and gain a more practical understanding of how they’ll apply what they’ve learned in practice."
RT41.H663.B786 2022
Building Resilient Healthcare Systems With ICTs
"This book will highlight various ways ICTs could help build resilience within healthcare systems presenting multi-perspective stances within the book highlighting the various contexts in which resilience could be built within healthcare systems"
RA644.N339.B855 2022
Calculation of Drug Dosages: A Work Text
"Calculation of Drug Dosages: A Work Text, 12th Edition makes it easy to understand and master the three major methods of dosage calculation ― ratio and proportion, formula, and dimensional analysis. A basic review of mathematics refreshes your math skills, and practice problems, worksheets, and practice tests help you gain confidence in making drug calculations."
RS57.O334.C353 2022
Cardiovascular Complications of COVID-19: Risk, Pathogenesis and Outcomes
"Cardiovascular Complications of COVID-19: Risk, Pathogenesis and Outcomes provides answers to the increasing numbers of questions related to heart disease in COVID-19, highlighting the association between these pandemics and including risk factors, mechanisms and how these may impact diverse patients populations. It describes how COVID-19 impacts older patients and those with metabolic illnesses such as obesity and diabetes mellitus, while providing an overview of the observed gender dichotomy among patients."
RA644.C67.M254.C373 2022
Cardiovascular disease handbook & resource guide
"Cardiovascular Disease Handbook & Resource Guide combines valuable educational information for patients and their families. It offers statistics, both national and state by state, as well as discussions about prevention, treatment and outcomes. It includes details on 32 types of cardiovascular disease plus information on a number of conditions that can cause, or affect it, including substance abuse and obesity."
RC667.C267.C373 2020
Caring on the Frontline during COVID-19: Contributions from Rapid Qualitative Research
"This book examines the experiences of global healthcare workers during the COVID-19 pandemic. It shines a light on the experiences of healthcare workers during the pandemic, exploring their lived experiences of delivering care without losing sight of the emotional and symbolic nature of their work. Incorporating cutting-edge research from global experts in medical anthropology, medical sociology, medicine, psychology and nursing, it uniquely demonstrates the value of rapid qualitative research during infectious epidemics."
RA644.V563.C375 2022
The Carriers: What the Fragile X Gene Reveals About Family, Heredity, and Scientific Discovery
"A tiny mutation on the X chromosome can shape a family’s history. Passed down from a “carrier” parent to a child, fragile X syndrome is the most common inherited cause of intellectual disability and autism. Beyond that―and a rarity among genetic disorders―some fragile X carriers not only transmit the mutation but also experience related conditions themselves. In such cases, carriers can have tremors, infertility, and psychiatric disorders that complicate raising children with fragile X syndrome―and all too often, they suffer in silence.The Carriers investigates this common but still little-known genetic condition and its life-altering consequences. Anne Skomorowsky reveals how this disorder afflicts families across generations, telling the stories of the mothers and grandparents of fragile X patients and considering how genes interact with family dynamics."
RJ506.F73.S628.C377 2022
Case Studies in Health Information Management
"More than a collection of fascinating case scenarios, this versatile worktext gives you experience applying theories from the classroom to practices in the modern health care environment. Case studies explore major HIM topics, including current issues in health data management, health care privacy and ethics, information technology, revenue management and compliance, leadership, project and operations management, quality and performance statistics."
RA976.S359.C374 2022
Catheter Ablation of Cardiac Arrhythmias in Children and Patients with Congenital Heart Disease
"This authoritative book explores electrophysiologic testing and therapeutic catheter ablation for cardiac arrhythmias in children, and in patients of all ages with congenital heart disease. It reviews the anatomic and physiologic background to these procedures, emphasizing the tools for mapping and tissue ablation that continue to improve patient outcomes."
RC901.7.W357.C384 2022
Central Asia and the Covid-19 Pandemic
"This book aims at shedding light on the reasons why the death rates during the pandemic were so high in Central Asia. More specifically, this book proposes analysis on why individuals did not follow the sanitary rules imposed by their respective government and on the role played by misinformation. Secondly, it also examines the impact of Sinophobia in Central Asia and the future challenges this feeling may pose on the authorities in the near future. Lastly, this book also proposes analysis of how the pandemic has contributed to show the inherent vulnerabilities of Kazakhstan and Kyrgyzstan by focusing on their immediate and future political consequences."
RA644.C376.C468 2022
Chemistry for Today: General, Organic, and Biochemistry
"CHEMISTRY FOR TODAY: GENERAL, ORGANIC, AND BIOCHEMISTRY, 10th Edition, helps you understand the vital connections between chemistry fundamentals and today's healthcare professions. Thoroughly updated with step-by-step solutions, additional organic chemistry and biochemistry practice problems and photos from real-world job settings, this edition supports today's diverse learners with a wide range of applications, examples, boxed features and interactive technology tools."
QD31.3.H249.C446 2022
Christian Paths to Health and Wellness
"God created people to be well in body, mind, and spirit—a unified and healthy whole. Christian Paths to Health and Wellness, Third Edition, helps undergraduate students explore key topics that affect their health and well-being and apply what they learn to their daily lives."
RA777.3.W235.C475 2021
Clinical Nursing Skills and Techniques
"Clinical Nursing Skills & Techniques, 10th Edition provides clear, step-by-step guidelines to more than 200 basic, intermediate, and advanced skills. With more than 1,200 full-color illustrations, a nursing process framework, and a focus on evidence-based practice, this manual helps you learn to think critically, ask the right questions at the right time, and make timely decisions."
RT51.P462.C556 2022
The Coagulation Labyrinth of Covid-19
"This book is devoted to COVID-19 associated coagulopathy, one of the main determinants of mortality. The volume, intended as a guide, will lead the reader in a pathway starting from pathophysiology and passing through laboratory data, clinical aspects, imaging, and therapeutic options. Written in the middle of the second wave, the book is the first addressing the topic and summarizing the results of studies and articles meanwhile published, thus representing a unique tool for clinicians fighting the disease."
RA644.R368.C634 2022
Cognition in Parkinson's Disease
"Highlights new advances in the field, with this new volume presenting interesting chapters on a variety of timely topics, including Cognition in Prodromal Parkinson’s disease, The epidemiology of cognitive function in Parkinson's disease, Real-life consequences of cognitive dysfunction in Parkinson’s disease, Animal models of cognition in Parkinson’s disease, Functional neuroanatomy of cognition in Parkinson’s disease, Neuroimaging approaches to cognition in Parkinson’s disease, Cognitive dysfunction and neuropsychiatric aspects of Parkinson’s disease, Neuropsychology of Parkinson’s disease, Cholinergic Systems, Attentional-Motor Integration, and Cognitive Control in Parkinson Disease, and much more."
RC382.N373.C646 2022
Computational Modelling and Imaging for SARS-CoV-2 and COVID-19
"The aim of this book is to present new computational techniques and methodologies for the analysis of the clinical, epidemiological and public health aspects of SARS-CoV-2 and COVID-19 pandemic. The book presents the use of soft computing techniques such as machine learning algorithms for analysis of the epidemiological aspects of the SARS-CoV-2."
RA644.P733.C667 2022
Contactless Healthcare Facilitation and Commodity Delivery Management During COVID 19 Pandemic
"This book offers concepts related to communication engineering principles to fight the current Covid situation, by developing contactless need-based solutions. COVID-19, a global pandemic makes us rethink how governments, organizations, and societies around the world can work with minimum or without physical contact. Technologies like artificial intelligence and big data are playing an essential role in responding to the COVID-19 pandemic."
RA644.C438.C668 2022
The Contagion Next Time
"The Contagion Next Time articulates the foundational forces shaping health in our society and how we can strengthen them to prevent the next outbreak from becoming a pandemic. Because while no one could have predicted that a pandemic would strike when it did, we did know that a pandemic would strike, sooner or later. We're still not ready for the next pandemic. But we can be--we must be."
RA563.G152.C668 2022
COPD: Answers to Your Most Pressing Questions about Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease
"Significant lung damage from smoking, exposure in some jobs, or even diseases such as AIDS and tuberculosis can lead to COPD. Having chronic obstructive pulmonary disease can leave you feeling short of breath, sometimes reluctant to go shopping or for a walk because you are afraid of more difficulties. You may have wheezing, tightness in the chest, or frequent coughing. Although you see a doctor for your COPD, you often have questions and need answers. In this concise and practical guide, leading medical expert Donald A. Mahler answers some of the most pressing questions that he has been asked over 30 years of seeing patients with COPD"
RC776.M214.C673 2022
Coping with Crohn’s and Colitis: A Patient and Clinician’s Guide to CBT for IBD
"This practical guide provides patients who have inflammatory bowel disease (IBD) with cognitive-behavioral therapy (CBT) strategies for coping with IBD. It teaches a number of skills that can make coping with Crohn’s or colitis easier. Chapters provide an overview of Crohn’s and colitis as well as the interplay between stress and the gut, before offering strategies on relaxation training, physical activity, managing stress and avoidance, diet and nutrition, and medical treatment options."
RC862.H942.C675 2022
COVID-19 and Psychology in Malaysia: Psychosocial Effects, Coping, and Resilience (COVID-19 in Asia)
"Part of a mini series of Focus books on COVID-19 in Malaysia, the chapters in this book addresses the psychosocial impact on the pandemic and ways in which people have learned to develop the ability to be more resilient despite the challenges of living and working during this public health crisis.Covering a range of topics including life under lockdown, working on the frontlines, and the rapid adaptation to online teaching, the contributors highlight the pervasiveness of the pandemic on Malaysian society, identified factors that potentially increase the psychosocial impact of the pandemic on different segments of the population and how Malaysians have found ways to cope throughout this period."
RA644.L685.C685 2022
The COVID-19 Chronicles: Singapore's Journey from Pandemia to Peri-Pandemic Limbo
"No one is safe until everyone is safe. Singapore's struggle against the coronavirus mirrors those being waged by countries everywhere against a relentless, invisible enemy. In times of crisis, confusion and pandemonium abound. Sensing a need for simple and concise public health education and information that could help people to make sense of a bewildering new abnormal, the NUS Yong Loo Lin School of Medicine launched a long-running series of illustrated stories on social media platforms. The COVID-19 Chronicles quickly took off, drawing the attention of the WHO's Global Outbreak Alert and Response Network, which arranged for the series to be shared with other countries."
RA644.T36.C685 2022
COVID-19 Pandemic: Research and Development Activities from Modeling to Realization
"This book provides a comprehensive overview of recent novel coronavirus (SARS-CoV-2) infection and discusses developments in the field of nanoparticle/inorganic/organic materials development for antiviral application, therapeutic applications, PPE kit formulations and inclusion of simulated data. The contents focus on measures to keep the infections in check, materials aspects for detection and monitoring, AI modeling for prediction of spread of the virus, among others. This book will be a useful reference for researchers, scientists and policy makers alike."
RA644.M343.C685 2022
COVID-19, Business, and Economy in Malaysia: Retrospective and Prospective Perspectives
"Part of a mini-series of Focus books on COVID-19 in Malaysia, the chapters in this book address the pandemic’s impact on business and the economy in Malaysia. Covering a range of challenges and opportunities for business and the economy over a year-long period, starting from Malaysia’s first pandemic lockdown in March 2020 to the state of the country as of May 1, 2021, the contributors highlight the impact of the pandemic on the Malaysian business and economy and how Malaysians are finding ways to adapt and rise above adversity. They illustrate how the pandemic has affected businesses and anticipate the prospects for the Malaysian economy going forward. This is also an opportunity to witness how researchers from multiple disciplines can join forces during challenging times to deliver insightful research with impact. More importantly, there are many lessons to be learned from the successes and failures in responding to the pandemic in this developing Southeast Asian economy."
RA644.L56.C685 2022
COVID-19: Origin, Detection and Impact Analysis Using Artificial Intelligence Computational Techniques
"This book highlights progress in terms of Virus Biology and Infection Detection, Prevention, and Control, along with Screening, Testing, and Detection Techniques, that will provide learners and researchers (from basic to advanced) with the most innovative computer-driven methodologies for the fight against COVID-19. In addition, this book also covers the Pre- and Post-Impact of the COVID-19 Pandemic Crisis that will definitely provide useful content for researchers to think broadly about the analytical areas affected by COVID-19."
RA644.V522.C685 2022
Crowley's An Introduction to Human Disease: Pathology and Pathophysiology Correlations
"Crowley's An Introduction to Human Disease: Pathology and Pathophysiology Correlations, Eleventh Edition provides readers with a clear, well-illustrated explanation of the structural and functional changes associated with disease, the clinical manifestations of disease, and how to determine treatment. It reflects current information on the pathenogenesis of infectious disease and how changes in the genome are expressed as disease. The first chapters of the text discuss general concepts and diseases affecting the body as a whole. Later chapters consider the various organ systems and their diseases."
RB112.R377.C769 2022
A Cultural History of Chemistry Volume 1-6
"From prehistoric metal extraction to medieval alchemy to modern industry, chemistry has been central to our understanding and use of the physical world as well as to trade, warfare and medicine. In its turn, chemistry has been shaped by changing technologies, institutions and cultural beliefs. A Cultural History of Chemistry presents the first detailed and authoritative survey from antiquity to today, focusing on the West but integrating key developments in Egypt, Mesopotamia, and the Arabic-Islamic and Byzantine empires."
TP18.M677.C858 2021
Current Medical Diagnosis & Treatment 2022
"CURRENT Medical Diagnosis and Treatment 2022 focuses completely on solving practical bedside clinical issues without spending too much time on pathophysiology. It includes full review of all primary care topics, including gynecology, obstetrics, dermatology, ophthalmology, otolaryngology, psychiatry, neurology, toxicology, and urology. You’ll find everything you need to know about inpatient and outpatient care, along the with the most relevant diagnostic tools for day-to-day practice."
RC71.P373.C877 2022
Current Progress in iPSC Disease Modeling
"Current Progress in iPSC Disease Modeling, Volume Fourteen in the Advances in Stem Cell Biology series, is a timely and expansive collection of information and new discoveries in the field. This new volume addresses advances in research on how induced pluripotent stem cells are used for the creation of new tissues and organs. The creation of iPSC technology allowed the development of disease-specific human pluripotent stem cells."
QH588.B573.C877 2022
Democracy in the Time of Coronavirus
"In Democracy in the Time of Coronavirus, leading political thinker Danielle Allen untangles the US government’s COVID-19 victories and failures to offer a plan for creating a more resilient democratic polity—one that can better respond to both the present pandemic and future crises. Looking to history, Allen also identifies the challenges faced by democracies in other times that required strong government action."
RA644.A425.D466 2022
Depression: What Everyone Needs to Know
"Depression: What Everyone Needs to Know® cuts through the confusion around this often-debilitating illness to address the core of these and other matters. Jonathan Rottenberg offers a practical, reader-friendly synthesis that bridges clinical science, clinical practice, and everyday life. Written in the pithy, straightforward style of Oxford's What Everyone Needs to Know® series, this volume is the essential go-to guide both for understanding what we know about the causes of depression and the depression epidemic, and for learning what to do about it-including material on how to recognize depression in oneself, a family member, or a friend, and how to navigate life after depression."
RC537.R851.D477 2022
Designed to Heal: What the Body Shows Us about Healing Wounds, Repairing Relationships, and Restoring Community
"In their groundbreaking debut book, physician Jennie McLaurin and scientist Cymbeline T. Culiat write Designed to Heal: a fascinating look at how the restorative processes of the body can model patterns we may adapt to heal the acute and chronic wounds of our social bodies. Through engaging patient stories, imaginative travels through the body’s microcellular landscapes, accessible references to current research, and reflections on the image of God, Designed to Heal offers a new perspective for healing our social divisions."
BF511.M478.D475 2021
Diabetes and Kidney Disease
"This book provides a concise yet comprehensive resource on Diabetic Kidney Disease. Similar to the previous edition, the book reviews the most up-to-date research on diabetic nephropathy, the current understanding of its pathophysiology, renal structural alterations and clinical features, and summarizes recent evidence-based clinical treatment modalities for the prevention and management of diabetic kidney disease. General clinical aspects are also covered, as well as an overview to the novel approaches being designed by leading researchers in the field."
RC918.L476.D533 2022
Diseases Transmitted by Ticks
"The incidence of tick-borne diseases affecting humans has increased with increased travel and exposure to exotic environments. Ticks are important as vectors of European tick-borne encephalitis, Russian summer-spring encephalitis, and Lyme disease in America, Europe, and Asia. No struggle methods used to date have provided complete eradication of ticks and reduced the risk of tick-borne disease transmission."
RA639.5.I854.D574 2022
Drugs & Society
"5 Stars! from Doody's Book Reviews! (of the 13th Edition) "This edition continues to raise the bar for books on drug use and abuse. The presentation of the material is straightforward and comprehensive, but not off putting or complicated." As a long-standing, reliable resource Drugs & Society, Fourteenth Edition continues to captivate and inform students by taking a multidisciplinary approach to the impact of drug use and abuse on the lives of average individuals. The authors have integrated their expertise in the fields of drug abuse, pharmacology, and sociology with their extensive experiences in research, treatment, drug policy making, and drug policy implementation to create an edition that speaks directly to students on the medical, emotional, and social damage drug use can cause."
RM301.H251.D784 2022
Elsevier's Medical Assisting Exam Review
"There’s no better way to get ready for Medical Assisting certification exams! With content review plus 3,000 test items and a customized online exam engine to generate practice sessions and mock exams, Elsevier’s Medical Assisting Exam Review, 6th Edition provides complete preparation for seven certification exams ― the CMA, RMA, CMAS, CCMA, CMAA, CMAC, and NCMA. An illustrated, outline format makes it easy to review key medical assisting concepts and competencies, including anatomy and physiology, medical terminology, diseases and disorders, and administrative and clinical tasks. Answers and rationales for each question help you strengthen any weak areas and prepare effectively for test-day success!"
R697.H749.E474 2022
Embracing Hope After Traumatic Brain Injury
"This important book provides a firsthand account of a university professor who experienced traumatic brain injury. It tells the story of Michael Arthur, who had recently accepted a position as vice principal of a new high school. After only two weeks on the job, he was involved in a car accident while driving through an intersection in northern Utah."
RC387.5.A789.E437 2022
Essential Aspects of Immunometabolism in Health and Disease
"Essentials aspects of Immunometabolism will give the readers a broad view on how metabolic pathways can influence many types of immune cells during activation, differentiation and function, in health and disease. Of note, the structure of the book was created thinking not only on the experienced immunologist but also on undergraduate and graduate students, physicians, and all members of the scientific community interested in this exciting field of research."
QR181.A553.E874 2022
Essential Current Concepts in Stem Cell Biology
"This textbook describes the biology of different adult stem cell types and outlines the current level of knowledge in the field. It clearly explains the basics of hematopoietic, mesenchymal and cord blood stem cells and also covers induced pluripotent stem cells. Further, it includes a chapter on ethical aspects of human stem cell research, which promotes critical thinking and responsible handling of the material."
QH588.B736.E874 2020
Essentials of Managing Stress During Times of Pandemic: A Primer
"Every new print copy includes access to the Navigate Companion Website which features audio introduction and relaxation files, a Student Workbook, Practice Quizzes, and Web Links. A great addition to any personal health and wellness course, as well as for use as a stand-alone resource, Essentials of Managing Stress During Times of Pandemic provides a concise and practical guide to stress management tips and techniques. It begins by uncovering what stress is, the psychology of stress, and how it affects the body before delving into effective coping skills."
RA785.S442.E874 2021
Essentials of Nursing Practice
"This definitive textbook introduces the core topics and essential information that every nursing student will need to master during their degree. Written by a diverse team of nursing educators from around the UK, with input from patients, practitioners and students, the book delivers a complete solution that challenges modern nursing practice and prepares students for the changing health needs of communities and individuals."
RT86.7.D458.E874 2022
Essentials of Nursing Research: Appraising Evidence for Nursing Practice
"The world’s most widely used nursing research textbook, Essentials of Nursing Research, Tenth Edition equips students with everything they need to confidently apply research to nursing practice. AJN award-winning authors Denise Polit and Cheryl Beck clarify the language of nursing research and instill a practical understanding of nursing research fundamentals and the research process for both quantitative and qualitative studies — including design principles; sampling and data collection; criteria for assessing data quality; appraising the quality, rigor, and trustworthiness of studies; and approaches to understand the statistical results."
Fast Facts: Postmenopausal Osteoporosis
"Fractures resulting from osteoporosis are increasingly common in postmenopausal women, resulting in substantial bone-associated morbidities, and increased mortality and healthcare costs. Despite well-established treatment guidelines, there is an urgent need to improve the recognition of women at high risk for fracture and their treatment. 'Fast Facts: Postmenopausal Osteoporosis' provides an overview of current clinical guidelines and addresses the reasons cited for suboptimal fracture prevention. Finally, but importantly, best practice regarding patient support is described."
RC931.D411.P678 2022
Features and Management of Acute and Chronic Neuro-Covid
"This book delineates that COVID-19 is a multisystem inflammatory disease and how its pathophysiology can predispose patients to an increased risk of neurological problems. This book represents a valuable aid for all healthcare professionals (intensivists, neurologist and psychiatrists, as well as others) involved in the management of these critically ill patients."
RA644.C336.F438 2022
Finding God in the Middle of the Food Wars: Getting Healthy at the Cellular Level and Becoming What God Intended for you to be!
"Finding God In The Middle Of The Food Wars is a simple and sustainable blueprint on how to get healthy at the cellular level and become all that God has created you to be. The strategies and structure that reverse chronic illnesses and diseases are all contained in this book. Coach Scott and Dr. Myles layout a beautifully designed outline addressing the root cause of physical, mental, and spiritual health."
TX341.O287.F663 2022
Finding Rest: A Survivor's Guide to Navigating the Valleys of Anxiety, Faith, and Life
"In the aftermath of the pandemic, even those who have never struggled with mental health have found themselves reeling, looking for answers they don't know how to find. For Christians, especially those who've despaired of help from a church that has too often stigmatized poor mental health as a lack of faith, the way forward can be particularly difficult to see. Jonathon Seidl aims to fix that. Having fought his own way through crippling anxiety, life-altering OCD, and suicidal thoughts, he knows the value of concrete advice grounded in strong biblical truth. Instead of the trite or unsympathetic counsel that's too often given, Finding Rest is practical, personal, and productive. Full of compelling stories, humor from a guide who's still on his journey, and scriptural truths, this book offers real hope and help."
BV4908.5.S458.F563 2021
Flesh and Bones: The Art of Anatomy
"Flesh and Bones examines the inventive ways anatomy has been presented from the sixteenth through the twenty-first century, including an animated corpse displaying its own body for study, anatomized antique sculpture, spectacular life-size prints, delicate paper flaps, and 3-D stereoscopic photographs. Drawn primarily from the vast holdings of the Getty Research Institute, the over 150 striking images, which range in media from woodcut to neon, reveal the uncanny beauty of the human body under the skin."
NC760.K676.F547 2022
Functional Training Anatomy
"In Functional Training Anatomy, noted strength and conditioning specialists Kevin Carr and Mary Kate Feit cut through the clutter and misconceptions about functional training and cover all aspects of how to build a purposeful, effective, and efficient program that provides the strength, stability, and mobility you need to support your body in life and in sports. Functional Training Anatomy incorporates traditional and nontraditional exercises and mobility drills that will help you increase functional strength and reduce injury so your body is prepared to support the demands of athletic performance and daily living."
GV481.C311.F863 2022
Fundamental Concepts and Skills for Nursing
"Fundamental Concepts and Skills for Nursing, 6th Edition prepares you for nursing practice in a number of care settings, including hospitals, long-term care facilities, medical offices, clinics, surgery centers, and home care agencies. Illustrated, easy-to-read guidelines ensure that you gain a thorough understanding of the nursing process and problem solving, addressing topics such as the physiologic and psychosocial needs of the patient, critical thinking and clinical judgment, communication, collaboration with the health care team, patient teaching, and cultural competence. Written by noted educator Patricia Williams, this text prepares you to pass the Next Generation NCLEX-PN® Exam and succeed in any care setting."
RT41.W726.F863 2021
Fundamentals of Analytical Chemistry
"Each chapter begins with a compelling story and stunning visuals. Dynamic photos from renowned chemistry photographer Charlie Winters capture attention while reinforcing key principles. New features highlight chemistry-related careers. You also learn how to use Excel 2019 as a problem-solving tool in analytical chemistry with new exercises, examples and a no-cost supplement by the text authors. OWLv2 online homework tool is also available to help you master the principles of analytical chemistry today."
QD75.22.S566.C446 2022
Genograms: Assessment and Treatment
"Widely used by family therapists― and by health care professionals in general―the genogram is a graphic way of organizing the mass of information gathered during a family assessment. This visual representation allows the practitioner to find patterns in the family system for more targeted treatment. Now in its fourth edition, Genograms has been fully updated by renowned therapist Monica McGoldrick. Expanded with four-color images throughout, additional material explaining the use of genograms with siblings and couples, and a thorough updating to essential concepts, this edition provides a fascinating view into the richness of family dynamics."
RC488.5.M478.G466 2020
Getting into Nursing: A complete guide to applications, interviews and what it takes to be a nurse
"Learn what it is like to be a nurse today and what you’ll need to get there, from personal qualities and values to practical work experience and entry requirements. Understand the different routes into nursing and how to choose the right field. Practical advice and activities help you to write a compelling application and practise for your interview. Top tips from students, lecturers and nurses provide an insight into what to expect from the process, and how to avoid common pitfalls."
RT82.E436.G488 2022
Global Health Security
"Global Health Security addresses the borderless dangers societies now face, including infectious diseases and bioterrorism, and examines the political, environmental, and socioeconomic factors exacerbating these threats. Weak governance, ineffective health systems, and lack of preparedness are key sources of risk, and all of them came to the fore during the COVID-19 crisis, even―sometimes especially―in wealthy countries like the United States. But the solution is not just to improve national health policy, which can only react after the threat is realized at home. Gostin further proposes robust international institutions, tools for effective cross-border risk communication and action, and research programs targeting the global dimension of public health."
RA441.G678.H435 2021
Global Health: Ethical Challenges
"Addressing global health is one of the largest challenges facing humanity in the 21st century, however, this task is becoming even more formidable with the accelerated destruction of the planet. Building on the success of the previous edition, the book outlines how progress towards improving global health relies on understanding its core social, economic, political, environmental and ideological aspects. A multi-disciplinary group of authors suggest not only theoretically compelling arguments for what we must do, but also provide practical recommendations as to how we can promote global health despite contemporary constraints."
RA418.B463.G563 2021
Global Public Health and Disease Control
"Global Public Health and Infection Control Sourcebook, First Edition. Gives an overview of global public health, its services, security, and regulations along with various other infectious diseases that affect global health such as pneumonia, cholera, ebola, zika. This book also deals with the precautions and remedies to prevent the transmission of such diseases and to protect the public and the environment. The determinants of public health disease such as health equity, environmental climate change, and the challenges faced are discussed. Information about health policies, law, and ethics are explained along with a glossary of related terms and a directory of organizations that provide information about global health."
RA441.H394.G563 2022
Growth and Development Across the Lifespan
"Growth and Development Across the Lifespan, 3rd Edition helps you plan and implement appropriate care for patients at each age and stage of life. Explaining concepts of physical, cognitive, social, and personality development, this text provides strategies for improving patient health and quality of life for each age group. Healthy People 2030 objectives are used to set a framework for positive health behaviors. From noted educators and authors Gloria Leifer and Eve Fleck, this book shows how a knowledge of normal growth and aberrations can be used to design individual approaches to patient care."
RA427.8.L527.G769 2022
Handbook of Research on Pathophysiology and Strategies for the Management of Covid-19
"The book provides recent and updated evidences on the management of COVID-19 through the medical and vaccination approaches, covering different sides of the disease in association with effects on the physiological functions of the human body "
RA644.H533.H363 2022
Healing, Disease and Placebo in Graeco-Roman Asclepius Temples: A Neurocognitive Approach
"This book follows the evidence for Asclepius' supplicants from the moment in which they realized that they were sick until the healing experiences, which they might have had at the asclepieia. From a historical perspective, the main features of the Asclepius cult, as they were shaped mainly in the Hellenistic and Roman periods, are examined. The cult is situated in the wider political, social, cultural, and intellectual contexts of the Graeco-Roman era, in which Asclepius' reputation as a divine physician spread."
BL820.A4.P187.H435 2022
Health Assessment for Nursing Practice
"Health Assessment for Nursing Practice, 7th Edition focuses on what you need to know, providing easy-to-understand guidelines for an effective physical examination as well as preparation for the Next Generation NCLEX® Examination (NGN). New to this edition is a greater emphasis on normal findings and less on abnormal findings, new LGBTQ+ Considerations boxes, and new NGN Exam-style case studies. Written by noted nursing educators Susan Fickertt Wilson and Jean Foret Giddens, this book has everything you need to conduct and document an accurate assessment, succeed on the NGN, and prepare for clinical practice."
RT48.W753.H435 2022
Health Psychology: An Introduction to Behavior and Health
"HEALTH PSYCHOLOGY: AN INTRODUCTION TO BEHAVIOR AND HEALTH, 10e, delivers balanced coverage of the cognitive, behavioral and biological approaches to health psychology. Extremely student friendly and popular with majors and nonmajors alike, this market leader features an engaging writing style, a variety of learning tools and a wealth of visuals. Diversity in health psychology is emphasized throughout. New coverage includes the COVID-19 pandemic, the dangers of e-cigarettes, the Type D personality as a risk for heart disease, the brain disease model of alcoholism, the impact of exercise on sleep and more."
R726.5.B821.H435 2022
Health, Holiness, and Wholeness for Ministry Leaders
"From the respected long-time director of the Midwest Ministry Development Center, this invaluable resource is based on a popular series of workshop on the topic of "Health and Excellence in Ministry." Intended for ministry leaders of all types, this volume offers practical wisdom for developing healthy patterns of behavior in all areas of personal and vocational life.The book concludes with real-life application of the principles in actual ministry settings, from gossip and conflict to weddings and pastoral calls. Includes a chapter dealing with the challenges of social media and financial management in ministry."
BV4397.5.M439.H435 2020
Healthy Longevity and Immune System
"This book presents studies of the main conditions that affect health and well-being of old people. Considering the present scenario of COVID-19, the effects of this viral infection on individuals older than 65 years are also discussed. The content enables professionals of health and government for the present and future actions in this important area. Readers go through the changes occurring in organs and tissues that can interfere with susceptibility to infections, low response to vaccines, cancer, and loss of cognition during the aging process."
RB210.B846.H435 2022
The Helpers: Profiles from the Front Lines of the Pandemic
"The Helpers is about ordinary people who stepped up to meet an extraordinary moment. “This is the story of how we beat the pandemic,” Gilsinan writes, “but I hope that it someday serves as an introduction to the story of how we made a better country. That future starts with people like the ones in this book.”
RA644.G489.H457 2022
Henry's Clinical Diagnosis and Management by Laboratory Methods
"For more than 100 years, Henry's Clinical Diagnosis and Management by Laboratory Methods has been recognized as the premier text in clinical laboratory medicine, widely used by both clinical pathologists and laboratory technicians. Leading experts in each testing discipline clearly explain procedures and how they are used both to formulate clinical diagnoses and to plan patient medical care and long-term management. Employing a multidisciplinary approach, it provides cutting-edge coverage of automation, informatics, molecular diagnostics, proteomics, laboratory management, and quality control, emphasizing new testing methodologies throughout."
RB37.H522.H467 2022
The Human Body in Health and Illness
"The Human Body in Health and Illness, 7th Edition introduces you to the anatomy and physiology concepts you’ll really use in healthcare practice. Organized by body systems, this text simplifies the often-intimidating subject of A&P with clear, step-by-step explanations, hundreds of full-color drawings, fascinating anecdotes, relevant clinical examples, and vivid online animations. It illustrates how each organ system is designed to function ― and what happens when a system fails. Written by well-known educator Barbara Herlihy, this text is an ideal solution for students whose background in the sciences is limited."
QP34.5.H549.H863 2022
Immunology & Serology in Laboratory Medicine
"Building on a solid foundation of knowledge and skills, this classic text from trusted author Mary Louise Turgeon clearly explains everything from basic immunologic mechanisms and serologic concepts to the theory behind procedures performed in the lab. This go-to resource prepares you for everything from mastering automated techniques to understanding immunoassay instrumentation and disorders of infectious and immunologic origin. Packed with learning objectives, review questions, step-by-step procedures, and case studies, this text is the key to your success in today’s modern laboratory environment."
RB46.5.T936.I468 2022
Inherited Retinal Disease
"This book presents the latest knowledge and expert guidance on all aspects of inherited retinal diseases, including molecular genetics, diagnosis, clinical features, general principles of treatment, novel treatment methods, and genetic counseling. Recent years have witnessed great advances in understanding of the genetic and cytological background of these diseases. Genetic analysis methods such as next generation sequencing have remarkably reduced the cost and time required for massive analysis of patients’ samples."
RE551.I55.I544 2022
The Innate Immune System in Health and Disease: From the Lab Bench Work to Its Clinical Implications Volume 2
"The Innate Immune System in Health and Disease: From the Lab Bench Work to Its Clinical Implications, is to provide updated information to scientists and clinicians that is valuable in their quest to gather information, carry out new investigations, and develop novel drugs that are more effective and do not cause adverse effects targeting the innate immune system. This book is of high priority to people interested in an update on innate immunity. Volume 2 examines topics such as the participation of the innate immune system in homeostasis and in the pathogenesis of chronic inflammatory diseases, the innate immune response and its modulation by sex hormones during chronic lung inflammation, and asthma beyond adaptive immunity."
QR185.2.M673.I563 2022
Insulin - The Crooked Timber: A History from Thick Brown Muck to Wall Street Gold
"Taking the reader on a fascinating journey, starting with the discovery of insulin in the 1920s through to the present day, 'Insulin - The Crooked Timber' reveals a story of monstrous egos, toxic career rivalries, and a few unsung heroes such as two little known scientists whose work on wool fibres, carried out in a fume-filled former stable, not only proved to be crucial in unravelling the puzzle of insulin but ushered in a revolution in biology.
It was the author's own shocking diagnosis with Type 1 diabetes that prompted him to sit down and write this book, but this story has lessons for us all about what technology can - and more importantly cannot - do for us. As the world pins its hopes on effective and lasting vaccines against Covid-19, these lessons from the story of insulin have never been more relevant."
QP572.H177.I578 2022
Introduction to Clinical Pharmacology
"Introduction to Clinical Pharmacology, 10th Edition, helps you understand the principles of pharmacology and prevent medication errors. It promotes safety by showing how drugs and drug classes work, so you can understand why drugs are given, as well as the adverse effects and drug interactions that may occur. A thorough nursing process section with each drug class outlines the nurse’s role when administering drugs. The updated Get Ready for the Next Generation NCLEX® Examination! feature offers case studies with Next Generation NCLEX-format questions to help you prepare for the new licensure examination."
RM301.28.V832.I587 2022
Introduction to Diagnostic Microbiology for the Laboratory Sciences
"Introduction to Diagnostic Microbiology for the Laboratory Sciences, Second Edition provides a concise study of clinically significant microorganisms for the medical laboratory student and laboratory practitioner."
QR67.D362.I587 2022
An Introduction to Global Health Delivery: Practice, Equity, Human Rights
"An Introduction to Global Health Delivery, Second Edition is an immersive introduction to global health's origins, actors, interventions, and challenges from the ongoing impacts of racism to the momentum for the delivery of care that began with the AIDS movement through to the current era of COVID-19. Informed by physician Joia Mukherjee's quarter-century of experience fighting disease and poverty in more than a dozen countries, it delivers a clear-eyed overview of the movement underway to address injustice, reduce global health disparities, and deliver health care as a human right. This second edition extends the lens of global health delivery to address the challenges of COVID-19 and the prevention of future pandemics. It features updated chapters exploring pandemics, preparedness, and the intersection of key social movements with the right to health care, including Black Lives Matter, decolonization, and climate justice."
RA441.M953.I587 2022
Introduction to Kinesiology: Studying Physical Activity
"Introduction to Kinesiology: Studying Physical Activity, Sixth Edition With HKPropel Access, offers students a comprehensive overview of the field of kinesiology and explores the subdisciplinary fields of study, common career paths, and emerging ideas that are part of this dynamic and expanding discipline. This engaging, full-color introductory text stimulates curiosity about the vast field of kinesiology and generates awareness of the long-standing and current issues that kinesiology professionals seek to understand and solve."
QP303.K583.I587 2022
Introductory Maternity & Pediatric Nursing
"Introductory Maternity & Pediatric Nursing, 5th Edition, delivers clearly written, vibrantly illustrated, clinically relevant coverage of pregnancy, birth, and pediatrics to help students master key clinical and critical thinking skills and prepare for success on the NCLEX-PN® exam and in clinical practice."
RG951.H362.I587 2022
The Invisible Siege: The Rise of Coronaviruses and the Search for a Cure
"The Invisible Siege is an urgent and moving testament to the unprecedented scientific movement to stop COVID-19—and a powerful look at the infuriating factors that threaten to derail discovery and leave the world vulnerable to the inevitable coronaviruses to come."
RA644.W484.I585 2022
Kinetic Anatomy
"Kinetic Anatomy, Fourth Edition With HKPropel Access, gives students a firm concept of musculoskeletal anatomy by systematically assembling each component of the human body. Layer by layer, readers will study bones, ligaments, joints, and muscles as well as the nerves and blood vessels that supply these muscles that are essential for movement.With full-color visual aids and activities that invite readers to apply their understanding of structural anatomy to their own lives, the fourth edition is ideally suited for students studying physical activity because it explores how the structural anatomy of the human body facilitates movement."
QM100.B419.K564 2022
Leadership Roles and Management Functions in Nursing: Theory and Application
"Leadership Roles and Management Functions in Nursing: Theory and Application, 10th Edition, combines the latest evidence-based content and a proven experiential approach to prepare students for success as they advance to join the professional nursing workforce."
RT89.M357.L433 2021
Lippincott Manual of Nursing Practice
"Lippincott Manual for Nursing Practice, 11th Edition, offers expert nursing knowledge and much-needed practical guidance on patient care. Authoritative yet easy to follow, this comprehensive text guides you through the nursing concepts and skills particularly vital for medical-surgical assessment, care, and treatment. Essential for both in-the-classroom and on-the-unit guidance, this is the expertise that all students, new nurses, and medical-surgical nurses need to grasp essential nursing concepts, care management, and procedures."
RT51.L765.L577 2019
Lung Cancer: Disease Biology and its Potential for Clinical Translation
"Written and edited by experts in the field, this collection from Cold Spring Harbor Perspectives in Medicine covers the progress that has been made in understanding the molecular pathogenesis of lung cancer and how this information is leading to improved detection and treatment strategies. The contributors review the genomic, transcriptomic, epigenomic, and proteomic changes associated with lung carcinogenesis, the histologic and metabolic features of different types of lung cancer, and the roles of the immune microenvironment and cancer stem cells in tumor maintenance and metastasis. The large databases of demographic and clinical information, high-throughput platforms that generate molecular data, advanced computational methods (e.g., radiomics and artificial intelligence), and preclinical models that facilitate advances in basic and translational research are also covered."
RC280.L685.L864 2021
Mammalian Heme Peroxidases: Diverse Roles in Health and Disease
"This book highlights recent developments in our understanding of the chemistry, biochemistry and biological roles of mammalian peroxidases and their associated oxidants, their involvement in both innate immunity and chronic inflammatory disease in a variety of end organs, and potential therapeutic approaches to modulate and prevent damaging reactions."
QP603.H395.M366 2021
Medical Technicians: A Practical Career Guide (Practical Career Guides)
"Welcome to the medical technician field! If you are interested in a career as a medical technician, you’ve come to the right book. What exactly do these people do on the job every day? What kind of skills and educational background do you need to succeed in this field? How much can you expect to make, and what are the pros and cons of these various professions? Is this the right career path for you? How do you avoid burnout and deal with stress? This book can help you answer these questions and more. Medical Technicians: A Practical Career Guide, which includes interviews with professionals in this field book covers the following medical technician careers."
R855.3.E56.M435 2022
Mental Health and Mental Illness in Paramedic Practice
"The text introduces fundamental concepts and theories in mental health and mental illness in the context of paramedic principles of care. It delves into topics such as person-centred mental healthcare; communication and the therapeutic relationship; and legal and ethical issues – all within the realm of paramedic practice. The textbook steps students through common patient presentations in the pre-hospital setting and offers practical guidance in applying appropriate approaches to treatment."
RC86.7.R645.M468 2022
Metabolic Pathway Design: A Practical Guide (Learning Materials in Biosciences)
"This textbook presents solid tools for in silico engineering biology, offering students a step-by-step guide to mastering the smart design of metabolic pathways. The first part explains the Design-Build-Test-Learn-cycle engineering approach to biology, discussing the basic tools to model biological and chemistry-based systems. Using these basic tools, the second part focuses on various computational protocols for metabolic pathway design, from enzyme selection to pathway discovery and enumeration. In the context of industrial biotechnology, the final part helps readers understand the challenges of scaling up and optimisation."
Metabolism and Medicine: The Metabolic Landscape of Health and Disease (Volume 2) (Foundations of Biochemistry and Biophysics)
"Chronic disease states of aging should be viewed through the prism of metabolism and biophysical processes at all levels of physiological organization present in the human body. This book connects these insights to what causes them to go awry in the context of unhealthy human behaviors and aging, aiming to buttress scientific creativity. It also provides links between the art and science of medicine that strengthens problem-solving in patient care. New and important discoveries in the area of metabolic health and metabolic diseases are discussed in exquisite detail."
RC627.5.F411.M483 2022
The Microbiome in Respiratory Disease: Principles, Tools and Applications (Respiratory Medicine)
"This book comprehensively covers the microbiome in respiratory disease, from the initial research study to the disease-specific implications and related applications. Research on the respiratory microbiome is increasing in volume and scope. This reflects rapidly growing interest in the study of respiratory disease to understand how microbiota shape mechanisms of disease pathogenesis. The respiratory tract spans the nasal passages, sinus cavities, oropharynx, and the tracheobronchial tree of the lungs."
RC732.H836.M537 2022
Missionaries, Mental Health, and Accountability: Support Systems in Churches and Agencies
"Missionaries, Mental Health, and Accountability opens with stories of scriptural saints who also struggled and still made profound impacts for the kingdom. Then, global contributors--comprised of an equal balance of Korean and Western writers--reach into the complexity of missionary mental health with the added component of accountability in church and agency support systems. Specifically, four important areas of missionary mental health are considered: 1) disillusion, discouragement, and depression; 2) relational dynamics and tensions; 3) contributing factors in missionary psychological duress; and, 4) resources and organizational structures that address missionary mental health. Every chapter demonstrates courage, personal conviction, and judicious honesty."
BV2063.B665.M577 2019
Molecular and Cell Biology of Cancer: When Cells Break the Rules and Hijack Their Own Planet
"The book starts with an introductory chapter, looking at cancer in a nut shell. The subsequent chapters are detailed and the idea of cancer as a mass of somatic cells undergoing a micro-evolutionary Darwinian process is explored. Further, the main Hanahan and Weinberg “Hallmarks of Cancer” are revisited. In most chapters, the fundamental experiments that led to key concepts, connecting basic biology and biomedicine are highlighted. In the book’s closing section all of these concepts are integrated in clinical studies, where molecular diagnosis as well as the various classical and modern therapeutic strategies are addressed."
RC268.4.F567.M654 2019
The Monster Enters: COVID-19, Avian Flu, and the Plagues of Capitalism
"In his book, The Monster at Our Door, the renowned activist and author Mike Davis warned of a coming global threat of viral catastrophes. Now in this expanded edition of that 2005 book, Davis explains how the problems he warned of remain, and he sets the COVID-19 pandemic in the context of previous disastrous outbreaks, notably the 1918 influenza disaster that killed at least forty million people in three months and the Avian flu of a decade and a half ago."
Mosby's Pharmacy Technician - Text and Workbook/Lab Manual Package: Principles and Practice
"Mosby's Pharmacy Technician: Principles and Practice, 6th Edition helps you solidify your understanding and mastery of key skills and concepts. Each chapter of this combination workbook and lab manual contains a wide variety of review questions, exercieses, and experiential lab activities to help reinforce key concepts, encourage you to reflect critically, and relate to practice for success on the job."
RS122.95.D262.M673 2022
Moss & Adams' Heart Disease in infants, Children, and Adolescents: Including the Fetus and Young Adult
"Moss and Adams' Heart Disease in Infants, Children, and Adolescents provides the authoritative, state-of-the-art information you need when caring for young patients with heart disease. The editorial team, led by Dr. Robert Shaddy, from Children's Hospital Los Angeles and the University of Southern California, ensures that you are kept fully up to date with recent advances in this complex and fast-changing field. This award-winning title, now in its Tenth Edition, continues to be the reference of choice for today’s cardiology fellows, pediatric cardiologists, and cardiology practitioners worldwide."
RJ421.S533.H436 2022
Myxomycetes: Biology, Systematics, Biogeography and Ecology
"Myxomycetes: Biology, Systematics, Biogeography and Ecology, Second Edition provides a complete collection of general and technical information on myxomycetes microorganisms. Its broad scope takes an integrated approach, considering a number of important aspects surrounding their genetics and molecular phylogeny. The book treats myxomycetes as a distinct group from fungi and includes molecular information that discusses systematics and evolutionary pathways. Written and developed by an international team of specialists, this second edition contains updated information on all aspects of myxomycetes. It incorporates relevant and new material on current barcoding developments, plasmodial network experimentation, and non-STEM disciplinary assimilation of myxomycete information."
QK635.R653.M996 2022
Nanomaterials in the Battle Against Pathogens and Disease Vectors
"Nanomaterials in the Battle Against Pathogens and Disease Vectors presents an overview of the use of nanotechnology to mitigate pathogens of concern, and is the first book to discuss applications of nanotechnology in the fight against all three major domains of disease-causing pathogens. Bacteria, viruses, and parasites constitute the list of emerging and re-emerging pathogens of high priority. Nanotechnology has proven to be a groundbreaking success in the elimination, targeted toxicity, precise immunogenicity, diagnosis, and imaging of these major pathogens and disease vectors. This text discusses basic concepts and advanced applications for bacteria, viruses, and parasites. It describes the use of metallic and non-metallic nanoparticles and nanotoxicity, as well as presents future applications of nanotechnology in biological applications."
RA425.P153.N366 2022
Netter’s Essential Systems-Based Anatomy
"Designed for clinically focused, introductory anatomy coverage, Netter’s Essential Systems-Based Anatomy provides superbly illustrated core content in anatomy in a concise, easy-to-understand format. This highly visual text contains student-friendly features such as basic information and vocabulary, key systems-based concepts, and interactive practice questions for review―all highlighted by outstanding illustrations by Frank H. Netter, MD, Carlos Machado, MD and other medical artists."
QM23.2.L991.N488 2021
Neurointervention in the Medical Specialties: A Comprehensive Guide
"This book covers the intersections between neurointervention and neurology, neurointervention and neurosurgery, and neurointervention and other specialties. It fills the gap in the literature by placing specific emphasis on appropriate patient selection, preparation, and post-procedural management."
RC346.E344.N487 2022
Nutrition Essentials for Nursing Practice
"Nutrition Essentials for Nursing Practice, 9th Edition gives nursing students the understanding of nutrition theory and application to ensure effective client care across the life cycle and the health-illness continuum. Incorporating nutrition throughout the nursing care process, Susan Dudek’s concise yet thorough text equips tomorrow’s nurses with the latest evidence-based practices and recommendations to facilitate nutrition on the front lines of nursing practice, from assessment and nursing diagnoses to implementation and evaluation."
RM216.D845.N887 2022
Nutritional Management of Renal Disease
"Nutritional Management of Renal Disease, Fourth Edition, offers in-depth reviews of the metabolic and nutritional disorders prevalent in patients with renal disease and serves as an in-depth reference source concerning nutrition and kidney disease. This classic translational reference provides correct diagnosis - and therefore correct treatment - of renal, metabolic, and nutritional disorders. Nephrologists, diebetologists, endocrinologists, dieticians, and nutritionists depend on a strong understanding of the molecular basis for the disease. This fourth edition includes thorough new case reports, offering expert advice on how to use the latest research and clinical findings in counseling patients about dietary and lifestyle options. Readers gain insight into which treatments, medications, and diets to use based on the history, progression, and genetic make-up of a patient."
RC903.K677.N887 2021
On Life: Cells, Genes, and the Evolution of Complexity
"On Life aims to make life intelligible by giving readers an understanding of the biological landscape; it sketches the principles as biologists presently understand them and highlights major unresolved issues. What emerges is a biology bracketed by two stubborn mysteries: the nature of the mind and the origin of life. This portrait of biology is comprehensible but inescapably complex, internally consistent, and buttressed by a wealth of factual knowledge."
QH309.H292.O555 2022
One, No one, One Hundred Thousand - The Multifaceted Role of Macrophages in Health and Disease - Part A
"One, No one, One Hundred Thousand - The Multifaceted Role of Macrophages in Health and Disease - Part A, provides in-depth reviews on the last progresses on the role of macrophages in health and diseases with a special focus on the role of macrophages in SARS-COV2, breast cancer, liver and salivary glands. Provides accurate reviews from selected experts on the topic of macrophages in different tissues such as lung, uterus, breast and liver. Each chapter of the volume provides useful graphic material for ease of reading of the audience. Provides the latest insights and future perspectives on macrophage heterogeneity in different diseases."
QR185.8.M375.O546 2022
Organoid Technology for Disease Modelling and Personalized Treatment
"Organoid Technology for Disease Modelling and Personalised Treatment provides a comprehensive overview of current knowledge of the organoid as a human-organ-in-a-dish, a powerful new technology for studying fundamental aspects of human organ development and disease progression in the search for drugs for personalised treatment. This preclinical tool is extensively being utilised as a model for studying human diseases in a dish, which is critical for accurate predictive modelling in precision medicine."
QH499.Y343.O743 2022
Owning the Sun: A People's History of Monopoly Medicine from Aspirin to COVID-19 Vaccines
"Owning the Sun tells the story of one of the most contentious fights in human history: the legal right to produce lifesaving medicines. Medical science began as a discipline geared toward the betterment of all human life, but the merging of research with intellectual property and the rise of the pharmaceutical industry warped and eventually undermined its ethical foundations. Since World War II, federally funded research has facilitated most major medical breakthroughs, yet these drugs are often wholly controlled by price-gouging corporations with growing international ambitions. Why does the U.S. government fund the development of medical science in the name of the public only to relinquish exclusive rights to drug companies, and how does such a system impoverish us, weaken our responses to crises, and, as in the cases of AIDS and COVID-19, put the world at risk?"
R152.Z358.O965 2022
Parkinsonism and the Environment
"The book is comprised of individual reviews with the common goal of providing up-to-date state of the knowledge information on the role the environment plays in the pathogenesis of parkinsonism. The reviews focus on recent advances in the quest of deciphering the molecular and cellular mechanisms of parkinsonian dysfunction, highlight specific emerging dopaminergic toxicants and an alternative experimental model to study the link between environmental exposures and parkinsonism, and provide an update from epidemiological and experimental points of view related to the pesticide exposures and parkinsonism/Parkinson’s Disease association."
RC382.F555.P375 2022
Pathology for the Health Professions
"Pathology for the Health Professions, 6th Edition is the best resource for clear, concise, and clinically relevant information on general pathology. Praised for its stunning collection of pathology images, this engaging, easy-to-understand text covers the most frequently encountered diseases that you need to know to succeed in today’s healthcare environment."
RB25.D161.P384 2022
Pathy's Principles and Practice of Geriatric Medicine
"Pathy’s Principles and Practice of Geriatric Medicine, Sixth Edition delivers a comprehensive overview of the subject, offering up-to-date, evidence-based, information about the many, and varied, problems suffered by ageing patients. In this latest edition, the authors take a refreshed approach to the material by rigorously applying the latest scientific research to clinical practice and increasing the use of visual examples, algorithms, and clinical practice points. Thoroughly updated throughout, the chapters give readers a truly global perspective on geriatric medicine that reflect the most recent changes in treatment options and medical conditions."
RC952.P297.G475 2022
Pediatric Rheumatology Comes of Age: Part II, An Issue of Rheumatic Disease Clinics of North America
"In this issue of Rheumatic Disease Clinics, Guest Editors Laura E. Schanberg MD and Yukiko Kimura MD brings his considerable expertise to the topic of pediatric rheumatology. Top experts in the field cover key topics such as CARRA, Mental health, Social media and JIA, CV disease in PRD, and more."
RJ482.S336.P435 2021
Pharmacology Review - A Comprehensive Reference Guide for Medical, Nursing, and Paramedic Students
"The purpose of this pharmacology book is to serve as a reference manual and a comprehensive study guide for medical, nursing, and paramedic students. For easy understanding of this complex subject, the book has been divided into multiple units based on each body system. The addition of multiple-choice questions will make it easier for you to remember the information from previous chapters. The key therapeutic drug classes for each major system have been outlined in separate chapters. Bullet points and tables make the content easy to understand. Pharmacology is a constantly evolving field, and new drugs are being developed every day. The main aim of this book is to familiarize the reader with the different categories of drugs."
QV49.M378.P437 2021
Physical Exercise and Natural and Synthetic Products in Health and Disease
"This detailed book explores protocols with the aim of testing aerobic exercise, resistance training, special diets, additives and natural products, which have led to new insights into the physiological and molecular aspects of health and disease. Many of these approaches have contributed to significant improvements in disease areas such as cardiovascular disease, cognitive dysfunction, diabetes, frailty, gliobastoma, metabolic syndrome, obesity, oxidative stress, and various cancers."
RB113.G847.P497 2022
Pleural Disease, An Issue of Clinics in Chest Medicine
RC751.F455.P548 2021
Post-AIDS Discourse in Health Communication: Sociocultural Interpretations
"This book examines the discourse of a "post-AIDS" culture, and the medical-discursive shift from crisis and death to survival and living. Contributions from a diverse group of international scholars interrogate and engage with the cultural, social, political, scientific, historical, global, and local consumptions of the term "post-AIDS" from the perspective of meaning-making on health, illness, and well-being."
RA643.8.B378.P678 2022
Postmenopausal Osteoporosis
"Postmenopausal Osteoporosis provides an overview of current clinical guidelines and addresses the reasons cited for suboptimal fracture prevention. Finally, but importantly, best practice regarding patient support is described. This concise educational resource is ideal for any primary care practitioner involved in the diagnosis and treatment of patients with postmenopausal osteoporosis."
RC931.D411.P678 2022
Power, Policy and the Pandemic: A Sociological Analysis of Covid-19 Policy in England
"Providing a sociological analysis of the policy response to the COVID-19 pandemic in England, this study places particular analytical emphasis on the interplay between powerful structural interests and the influence on the development of COVID-19 policy. Considering a range of actors, (including the government, scientific experts and the medical profession, the media, and the public) and the nature of their relationships with one another, the authors identify the key sociological aspects that have shaped, facilitated, challenged, or constrained COVID-19 policy in England."
RA644.C164.P694 2022
A Practical Guide to Pharmacological Biotechnology
"Pharmacological biotechnology is applied to and used to study drug development, working mechanisms, diagnosis, and therapies. This textbook covers the whole range of experiments related to pharmacology. It also contains basic laboratory safety guidelines along with the basic calculations and formulas used in a laboratory. Each chapter starts with an introduction/theory into the basic approach followed by detailed methods sections with easy-to-follow protocols and comprehensive troubleshooting, calculations and possible questions for examination. The target group is researchers who are studying pharmacological biotechnology in the laboratory."
RS380.P314.P733 2019
Practical Stress Management: A Comprehensive Workbook
"Practical Stress Management, Eighth Edition emphasizes a positive approach to stress management, covering topics such as relaxation techniques, coping with anxiety, managing anger, communication skills, exercise and nutrition. In this edition, the authors cover the latest advances in stress management, as well as stress related to the use of technology in education. The context of disasters, such as the COVID-19 pandemic, is also incorporated throughout. The workbook describes some of the surreptitious meditation techniques from India not described before in any text. Worksheets and Thoughts for Reflection boxes help users determine their own level of stress to apply effective stress management techniques."
RA785.R761.P733 2022
Principles of Anatomy
"Anatomy is the branch of biology that studies the physical structure of organisms and their parts. An ancient art, anatomy has developed greatly through the years, with more recent innovations such as X-rays, magnetic resonance imaging, and ultrasound technology advancing scientists and medical professionals' understanding of the basic structure of humans and other animals. This edition includes 172 entries arranged in A to Z order to help make finding a topic of interest easy."
Principles of Pharmacology
"This new resource introduces students and researchers to the fundamentals of pharmacology using easy-to-understand language, to provide a solid background, and help readers develop a deeper understanding and appreciation of this important and evolving subject. Pharmacology is a branch of biology that studies the interaction of drugs and living organisms to better understand how they can affect biochemical function. Today, pharmacologists rely on genetics, molecular biology, and biochemistry in the quest to develop effective, personalized medicine. In over 120 articles arranged in A to Z order, Principles of Pharmacology addresses a variety of topics in this field."
RM300.R414.P756 2019
Public Health and Economic Resiliency in the Post-covid-19 Era
"This book presents studies of COVID 19 and its Impacts on human health by presenting not only of scientific research but also offering an integrated management tool for organizational decision-makers"
RA644.K345.P835 2022
Public Health in Asia during the COVID-19 Pandemic: Global Health Governance, Migrant Labour, and International Health Crises
"Public Health in Asia during the COVID-19 Pandemic: Global Health Governance, Migrant Labour, and International Health Crises provides an accessible framework for understanding the COVID-19 pandemic in Asia through the lens of global governance in health and labour."
RA644.V447.P835 2022
Relentless: How a Leading New York City Health System Mobilized to Battle the Greatest Health Crisis of Our Era
"This book is based on unprecedented access to internal hospital documents and more than 100 candid interviews with the chief executives of Mount Sinai's hospitals and its Icahn School of Medicine; with physicians and nurses on the front lines throughout the system who pushed themselves to the brink to save lives; with renowned research scientists who urgently worked to decipher the virus and find ways to counter it as quickly and safely as possible; and with brave patients, staff members, and medical students who summoned up their reserves of energy, compassion, dedication, and courage to fight the disease."
RA644.S387.R454 2022
Saunders Comprehensive Review for the NCLEX-PN® Examination
"Saunders Comprehensive Review for the NCLEX-PN® Examination, 8th Edition provides everything you need to prepare for success on the NCLEX-PN. The book includes a review of all nursing content areas, more than 4,500 NCLEX exam-style questions, detailed rationales, test-taking tips and strategies, and newNext-Generation NCLEX (NGN)-style questions. An Evolve website simulates the exam-taking experience with a choice of practice questions along with realistic practice tests. Based on Silvestri’s proven Pyramid to Success, this complete review is a perennial favorite of students preparing for the NCLEX."
RT55.S587.S286 2022
Schaechter's Mechanisms of Microbial Disease
"Schaechter's Mechanisms of Microbial Disease delivers a thorough understanding of microbial agents and the pathophysiology of microbial diseases. This trusted text is universally praised for "telling the story of a pathogen" in an engaging way, facilitating learning and recall by emphasizing unifying principles and paradigms. Content is uniquely organized by microbial class and by organ system, making it equally at home in traditional and systems-based curricula."
QR46.E545.S334 2021
Schlossberg's Clinical Infectious Disease
"Clinical Infectious Disease is the only comprehensive single-volume reference on clinical infectious disease for the busy medical practitioner. Now in its third edition, Clinical Infectious Disease provides rapid access to a practical overview of clinical infectious disease topics such as the susceptible host and nosocomial infection. Organized in topically relevant sections for ease of use and supported by full-color illustrations, this volume focuses on differential diagnosis, focused testing, and practical empiric and specific therapeutics in clinical infectious disease. It also features current research on medical microbiology, antimicrobial stewardship, and evolving treatments for COVID-19."
RA643.C641.S356 2022
Six Steps to Managing Alzheimer's Disease and Dementia: A Guide for Families
"Your needs as a caregiver are just as important as those your family member with Alzheimer's Disease or dementia. This book will provide just the insight and guidance you need. Caregiving for a loved one with Alzheimer's disease or dementia is hard. It's hard whether you're caring for your spouse, parent, grandparent, sibling, other family member, or friend. Even if you had an extra ten hours each day to do it, it's hard to manage all the problems that come with dementia. And caring for a loved one with dementia can sometimes feel like a long, lonely journey."
RC523.B837.S597 2022
Species of Contagion: Animal-to-Human Transplantation in the Age of Emerging Infectious Disease
"Drawing on the later works of Foucault, this book analyses contemporary power relations in animal-to-human transplantation research, ranging across governmental regulation, scientific understandings of infectious disease, and animal ethics. While many xenotransplantation practices resonate with a security approach that renders uncertainty an inherent condition of life and encourages adaptation across species boundaries, government regulation and industry also reinscribe sovereign boundaries of bodies, species, and nations. Species of Contagion illustrates the variation in the cultural and scientific imaginaries that governments and industry bring to bear on the problematic of xenotransplantation."
QR188.8.C312.S643 2022
Spirituality in Nursing: Standing on Holy Ground
"Spirituality in Nursing: Standing on Holy Ground, Seventh Edition addresses the relationship between spirituality and nursing practice across a variety of settings related to caring for the ill and the infirm. The text covers the spiritual needs of special populations including children, families, and older adults, and takes on several significant issues in our society such as addiction, domestic terrorism, and the COVID-19 pandemic. The Seventh Edition examines both historical and contemporary issues pertaining to the spiritual needs and care of the sick. The text includes topical discussions of areas such as the nurse's role in spiritual care, the nurse-patient relationship, spiritual needs of special populations, and spiritual needs in areas such as mass casualty disasters and parish leadership."
RT85.2.O999.S657 2022
Strategies, Techniques, & Approaches to Critical Thinking: A Clinical Judgment Workbook for Nurses
"Strategies, Techniques, & Approaches to Critical Thinking: A Clinical Judgment Workbook for Nurses, 7th Edition uses a case-based, workbook format to help you build clinical judgment skills. The clear, step-by-step approach helps you learn and apply essential nursing knowledge, guiding you through increasingly sophisticated levels of critical thinking, clinical judgment, priority setting, and decision making. From respected educator Sandra Luz Martinez de Castillo, this edition adds updates to reflect the NGN and continues to emphasize QSEN competencies, interprofessional collaboration, and nursing leadership and delegation. More than 100 clinical situations help you practice clinical judgment!"
RT42.M385.S773 2022
Stroke: Pathophysiology, Diagnosis, and Management
"Stroke: Pathophysiology, Diagnosis, and Management, 7th Edition, covers every aspect of this fast-moving field, and is an ideal resource for stroke specialists, general neurologists, and other medical professionals with an interest in stroke. You’ll find expert clinical guidance, comprehensive pathophysiology coverage, data from recent trials, advances in diagnostic tests, full-color CT images, pathology slides, and much more, for a complete picture of today’s stroke medicine."
RC388.5.G768.S776 2022
Study Guide for Essentials of Nursing Research: Appraising Evidence for Nursing Practice
"This Study Guide helps you bridge the gap between students’ passive reading of abstract concepts and their active development of the skills needed to critically appraise research studies and apply findings in practice."
RT81.5.P769.S783 2022
Study Guide for Fundamental Concepts and Skills for Nursing
"Reinforce your understanding of basic nursing concepts and skills! Corresponding to the chapters in Fundamental Concepts and Skills for Nursing, 6th Edition, this study guide provides the review and practice you need to master essential LPN/LVN knowledge. Engaging exercises and questions help you learn to apply the nursing process, set priorities, practice critical thinking, make good decisions, and communicate effectively. With this practical review, you will get more out of your textbook and prepare for success on the Next Generation NCLEX-PN® exam."
RT41.W726.F863 2021 SG
Workbook for Surgical Technology: Principles and Practice
"Surgical Technology: Principles and Practice, 8th Edition textbook, this practical workbook helps you master the role and the essential skills of the surgical technologist. Each chapter contains a variety of activities, including key terms, labeling, practice questions, and realistic case studies with critical thinking exercises. Making it easy to apply your knowledge to practice, this study tool ensures that you have everything you need for success in a surgical technology career."
RD32.3.F855.S874 2022
Surgical Technology: Principles and Practice
"Within its pages you’ll find comprehensive coverage of all the updated AST Core Curriculum components ― including all aspects of health care sciences; technological sciences; patient care concepts; preoperative, intraoperative, and postoperative care; surgical procedures; and professional practice. But what you won’t find in any other surg tech book is an incredibly reader-friendly approach featuring conversational, mentor-like guidance and loads of full-color pictures and illustrations."
RD32.3.F855.S874 2018
Syringe Exchange Programs and the Opioid Epidemic: Government and Nonprofit Practices and Policies
"Syringe exchange programs and safe injection services are outside-the-box interventions increasingly being used by governments, nonprofits and citizens to address dire issues percolating in tandem with America's burgeoning opioid epidemic. People who inject drugs (PWID)--almost a million Americans annually--commonly use painkillers such as heroin and fentanyl, as well as methamphetamine, benzodiazepines, barbiturates and cocaine. Yet the users themselves are often obscured or marginalized by the bigger picture. This collection of essays covers policies and practices aimed at preventing both opioid-related deaths and related infections of hepatitis and HIV."
RC568.G669.S975 2022
Tamoxifen Tales: Suggestions for Scientific Survival
"Tamoxifen Tales: Suggestions for Scientific Survival presents a case study describing the academic journey of teams behind major advances in medical sciences, highlighting lessons learned that are applicable to the next generation of scientists. This book provides a manual on the successful mentoring of young scientists, including stories describing how training experience shaped careers to become leaders in academia and the pharmaceutical industry. The book documents Professor V. Craig Jordan’s 50-year career in medical sciences that led to the discovery and development of Selective Estrogen Receptor Modulators (SERMs), which became the standard of women’s healthcare around the world."
RS73.J673.T366 2022
Timby's Introductory Medical-Surgical Nursing
"Timby’s Introductory Medical-Surgical Nursing, 13th Edition, continues a long tradition of success and equips LPN/LVN students with the practical knowledge and skills to confidently meet the challenges of a changing healthcare environment and embrace expanding opportunities in medical-surgical nursing practice. Easy to read and optimized for today’s visual learners, this approachable yet comprehensive text clearly details the common adult disorders treated medically and surgically and the basic concepts students need to deliver safe, effective patient care. Coverage is presented at a level ideal for practical/vocational nursing students, accompanied by vibrant photos and illustrations that clarify challenging material and reinforce essential understanding."
RT41.D685.T563 2022
Tissue Engineering: Principles, Protocols, and Practical Exercises
"This book is based on a hands-on practical course in tissue engineering conducted by the Fulbright US Scholar recipient, Dr. Narine Sarvazyan (George Washington University, Washington USA). It provides an overview of the core topics of the tissue engineering field, including stem cell differentiation, the role of extracellular matrix and attachment proteins, scaffolds, and culturing of engineered tissues. Each chapter is accompanied by hands-on demonstrations and self-check questions. The text is easily readable for students of all backgrounds and the described protocols can be conducted using common lab equipment. This textbook is also useful for developing undergraduate and graduate courses that teach basic methods and approaches in this promising and rapidly developing field."
R857.S278.T577 2020
Transcriptomics in Health and Disease
"This new edition will build on the foundation of the first edition while incorporating the progress that has been made in the field of transcriptomics in the past six years, including bioinformatics for data analysis. Written by leading experts, chapters address new subjects such as methodological advances in large-scale sequencing, the sequencing of single-cells, and spatial transcriptomics. The new edition will address how transcriptomics may be used in combination with genetic strategies to identify causative genes in monogenic and complex genetic diseases. Coverage will also explore transcriptomics in challenging groups of diseases, such as cancer, inflammation, bacterial infection, and autoimmune diseases. The updated volume will be useful for geneticists, genome biologists, biomedical researchers, molecular biologists, bioinformaticians, and students, among others."
QP623.5.P289.T736 2022
Understanding COVID-19: The Role of Computational Intelligence
"This book provides a comprehensive description of the novel coronavirus infection, spread analysis, and related challenges for the effective combat and treatment. With a detailed discussion on the nature of transmission of COVID-19, few other important aspects such as disease symptoms, clinical application of radiomics, image analysis, antibody treatments, risk analysis, drug discovery, emotion and sentiment analysis, virus infection, and fatality prediction are highlighted. The main focus is laid on different issues and futuristic challenges of computational intelligence techniques in solving and identifying the solutions for COVID-19. The book drops radiance on the reasons for the growing profusion and complexity of data in this sector."
RA644.N393.U534 2022
Understanding ICD-10-CM and ICD-10-PCS: A Worktext, 2021
"This hands-on worktext is updated annually to ensure the latest coverage of today's ICD-10-CM and ICD-10-PCS diagnostic and procedural coding system. New content presents codes for emerging issues, such as vaping and COVID-19. This edition's easy-to-follow approach reinforces your understanding with proven learning features. You immediately apply what you've learned with professionally focused exercises in this edition, expanded actual coding assignments and real case studies."
RB115.B786.U534 2021
Understanding Nutrition
"UNDERSTANDING NUTRITION makes the sometimes confusing topic of nutrition easy to understand by offering step-by-step coverage of nutrition concepts and related processes. Vivid illustrations and quick-reference nutrition tables make even the most difficult concepts easy to master. With an understanding of nutrition, you can make healthy choices in your daily life and provide others with accurate information in your professional career."
QP141.W618.U534 2016
An Unmitigated Disaster: America's Response to COVID-19
"Emergency management expert Robert O. Schneider considers the quality of U.S. pandemic planning and preparedness; the quality and effectiveness of national, state, and local response efforts; and the performance of national leaders during this historic public health crisis. The book culminates in an assessment of how a predictable public health threat became an unprecedented health, economic, and security disaster. Schneider convincingly shows that conscious decisions were made by governmental authorities, beginning with the president, to ignore expert information and security intelligence in pursuit of other objectives. In other words, Schneider argues, if the U.S. was ill-prepared for or slow to respond to the crisis, it was because its leaders consciously chose to be ill-prepared or slow to respond. Readers will be fascinated by this behind-the-scenes exposé of a pandemic year."
RA644.S359.U565 2022
The Vaccine: Inside the Race to Conquer the COVID-19 Pandemic
"The Vaccine draws back the curtain on one of the most important medical breakthroughs of our age; it will reveal how Doctors Sahin and Türeci were able to develop twenty vaccine candidates within weeks, convince Big Pharma to support their ambitious project, navigate political interference from the Trump administration and the European Union, and provide more than three billion doses of the Pfizer/BioNTech vaccine to countries around the world in record time."
QR189.M648.V333 2021
Viruses, Vaccines, and Antivirals: Why Politics Matters
"This short book brings together novel cross-interdisciplinary investigation from both natural and social science, representing a true hybrid across disciplines examining the 'politics' and 'science' of COVID-19. Viruses, Vaccines, and Antivirals: Why Politics Matters considers the dynamics surrounding viruses, proposed vaccines, and antiviral therapies, contextualizing what governments have done during the COVID-19 crisis.Viruses, Vaccines, and Antivirals examines policy developments throughout these phases in key nations worldwide and puts forward a blueprint for countries developing public policies to deal with a pandemic."
RA644.C67.C473.V578 2022
Viruses: The Invisible Enemy
"Viruses: The Invisible Enemy, a brand new edition of her classic work, virologist Dorothy Crawford explores these questions. She takes the reader on a journey through the past to show how, as the human race evolved from hunter gatherer to farmer to our present urban, industrialised society, viruses have taken advantage of each lifestyle change to promote their own survival."
QR364.C899.V578 2021
Waisted: The Biology of Body Fat
"Waisted: The Biology of Body Fat outlines the fascinating, often misunderstood and sometimes controversial biology of fat, otherwise known as adipose tissue. It provides a comprehensive, evidence-based perspective on fat biology and its crucial role in human evolution, health, disease, and society."
QM565.D415.W357 2022
What Cannot Be Undone: True Stories of a Life in Medicine
"What Cannot Be Undone, Walter M. Robinson shares surprising stories of illness and medicine that do not sacrifice hard truth for easy dramatics. These true stories are filled with details of difficult days and nights in the world of high-tech medical care, and they show the ongoing struggle in making critical decisions with no good answer. This collection presents the raw moments where his expertise in medical ethics and pediatrics are put to the test."
R708.R666.W438 2022
Williams' Basic Nutrition & Diet Therapy
"Williams' Basic Nutrition & Diet Therapy, 16th Edition. This market-leading text provides concise, need-to-know coverage of hot topics, emerging trends, and cutting-edge research to ensure you are equipped to make informed decisions on patient nutrition in the clinical space. And with its conversational writing style, vivid illustrations, and wide array of reader-friendly features, you can easily understand how the concepts in the book can be applied in clinical practice. The text is broken out into four parts: an introduction to the basic principles of nutrition science, human growth and development needs, community nutrition, and clinical nutrition. Next Generation NCLEX® case studies and question types are also included in the text and on the companion Evolve website."
RM216.N736.W555 2022
Study Guide for Wong's Essentials of Pediatric Nursing
"Study Guide for Wong's Essentials of Pediatric Nursing, 11th Edition features Next Generation NCLEX®-style case studies and questions, key terms, and critical thinking exercises to help you learn difficult concepts. With practical activities and answers for review questions at the back of the guide, it enhances your comprehension ― and helps you to apply your knowledge to real-world scenarios."
RJ245.H635.S783 2022